Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Power of Silence

Silence is an attribute of divine. The main function of our mind is thinking. If we can make silence in our mind, we will realize the power of silence. Our mind is produced by our thoughts. Why we are always thinking? Could we stop that? It is so difficult to attain, but it isn’t impossible. Silence is a powerful tool to attain peace and joy.

We can attain the silence by understanding our thoughts. Understanding is a powerful tool to achieve anything. If we understand the origin and nature of thoughts, Silence will come to our mind silently. We shouldn’t focus about that. If our mind noticed that, it will become active. So let your thoughts to come and go. Don’t try to stop that. You can’t do that so. This is an effective method to achieve silence.

I request you to find out an answer for this following question:

How would you speak inside your mind if you don’t know any language?

Your comments are appreciated!

Enjoy the life by realizing the power silence!
